/ Competition/ SM-Long 2.-3.9.2023/ Competitors/ Competition rules, Bulletin 2 WRE/

Competition rules, Bulletin 2 WRE

Finnish Long Distance Orienteering Championships September 2-3, 2023 Kalevan Rasti

Attn: Bulletin 2 has been updated 2.9.2023 at 7.00 am:

  • paragraph WebTV broadcast
  • paragraph Punching system: Emit-card control slips
  • paragraph Terrain: new areas of forest thinning
  • paragraph Warm Up: deer flies

Kalevan Rasti is hosting the Finnish Long Distance Orienteering Championships in Herajoki, in the municipality of Joensuu. The competition is also a World Ranking Event (WRE) in the classes H21 and D21.

Competition rules

The event follows the rules of the Finnish Orienteering Federation, the IOF guidelines for World Ranking Events, the special rules for the Finnish Championships, and the instructions given by the organisers. The rules of the Finnish Orienteering Federation and the special rules for the Finnish

Championships 2023 are available at the website http://www.suunnistusliitto.fi (only in Finnish).

Main officials

  • Event director: Eeva Punta, eeva.punta@kalevanrasti.fi, p. +358 400 298 465
  • Results: Jere Pajunen, jere.pajunen@kalevanrasti.fi, p +358 50 5647 486
  • Information: Tarja Silvennoinen, sm2023@kalevanrasti.fi, p. +358 50 4369781
  • Media: Mervi Pötry, media.sm2023@kalevanrasti.fi
  • Course layers: Jussi Silvennoinen, Miika Hernelahti and Petteri Hakala
  • Technical advisor and WRE controller: Börje Vartiainen
  • Course controller: Erno Aalto, Liperin Taimi Suunnistus
  • Jury: Chairperson Olli Turakainen Lynx, Member Kirsi Laasonen Tampereen Pyrintö, Member Risto Vairinen Kontiolahden Urheilijat

Competition centre

The competition centre is located in Herajoki village, Eno, Joensuu. At the centre, space has been reserved for the club tents. In addition to the competition functions, the competition centre has canteen and café services as well as sales points.

Signposting to the competition centre

The competition centre is located in Hirvilahti, in Eno, about 60 km north of Joensuu. Directions to the competition centre starts from road number 515, between Ahveninen and Romppala, at the Herajoki junction (coordinates 62.936412, 30.060073), at the address Herajoentie 1, Joensuu. Google Maps.

Driving time from the start of the signage to the competition centre is 15 minutes. The address of the competition centre is Herajoentie 660, Ahveninen. It is also possible to arrive from the direction of Koli, along Kolin Rantatie.


Parking is in a field. Walking distance from parking to the competition centre is 100-800 metres. Parking fee is 5 € per day, and it should be paid at the information desk.

Campervans can be parked 800 metres from the competition centre, and it is also possible to stay overnight there between Friday September 1st, 6 pm to Sunday September 3rd, 4 pm. Parking space for campervans and caravans can also be found at Ahvenisen Punainen Talo, address Ahvenisentie 1441, 81260 Joensuu, parking fee is 10 €.

The club buses can enter the unloading and loading area near the competition centre, and then move on to another parking area 800 metres from the competition centre. The clubs with buses are asked to notify at the latest August 30th via e-mail to .

Parking tickets will be checked throughout the event when leaving the area. Unpaid fees will be charged double.


Information opening hours are from 8 am to 4 pm both on Saturday and Sunday.

Info services include:

  • emit changes
  • emit rental
  • parking tickets
  • restaurant tickets
  • lost & found
  • training maps Viereväkivi and Tammasuo, map 8 €
  • Open orienteering on Sunday 3 Septemper, start 12:00-13:00, ticket 10 €


The competition terrain is located in the southern part of the hills of Koli. The biggest height differences in the terrain are about 160 m. The terrain is diverse; the forest changes between areas of drier pine forest to lush deciduous forest, areas with traces of forestry as well as nature conservation areas with old forest. The level of detail in the terrain varies from one extreme to the other. On some of the larger hills, there are only regular contour shapes on the map, while in other areas some slopes are littered with cliffs and re-entrants. The area close to the competition centre is less steep, making the shorter courses less demanding physically.

There are some forbidden areas in the terrain. If there is a continuous line on the edge of a forbidden area on the map, it means that there is also a continuous red and yellow Stop tape in the terrain.

2.9: There are two new areas of forest thinning. These are marked on the model map in the start.


Orienteering map, scale 1:15000 (classes H/D15-21, CMYK-offset printed), 1:10000 (classes H/D35-45, printed), 1:7500 (classes H/D50-90, printed). The contour interval is 5 m. Field survey has been made between 05/2021-07/2023 by Petteri Hakala and Jussi Silvennoinen. The map is enclosed in a plastic cover. There is no old orienteering map of the competition area.

Due to the limited space of the 10:000 map in the final, the finish is not shown on the map. Of course, there is a marked route to the finish from the last control point.

Warm up

Competitors in the WRE classes have a possibility to warm up in the quarantine area both on Saturday and Sunday.

2.9: There are lots of deerflies in the area. Wear a mosquito hat if needed.

Start and quarantine


The first start is at 11:00 on Saturday.

Start Distance Signage
1 2,4 km blue
2 2,4 km yellow

Marked routes are partly on trail and partly on terrain. You should reserve enough time to reach the start. There are toilets in the start area. Clothing and equipment transport is provided (own labelled bags).

Quarantine area is used only for the classes H/D21K. Distance to quarantine is 2.0 km. Check-in by signing-in at the quarantine by 11:30 at the latest. After this number bibs are no longer available. The quarantine offers some rain shelters.


The first start is at 10:00 on Sunday.

Start Distance Signage
1 2,4 km blue
2 2,4 km yellow

Marked routes are partly on trail and partly on terrain. You should reserve enough time to reach the start. There are toilets in the start area. Clothing and equipment transport is provided (own labelled bags).

Quarantine area is used only for the WRE classes H/D21. Distance to quarantine is 2.0 km. Check-in by signing-in at the quarantine by 11:00 at the latest. After this number bibs are no longer available. The quarantine offers some rain shelters.

It is forbidden to use mobile phones and other communication equipment in the quarantine area!

Start lists will be published on the competition web site https://kr.kalevanrasti.fi/kilpailu/sm2023/ and resultservice

Number bibs

Number bibs are used for all classes. In WRE classes H/D21 number bibs are available at the quarantine on Saturday and Sunday. In other classes number bibs are available near Information at the Competition Center. Bring your own safety pins.

On Sunday A-finalists get a new number bib at the quarantine (H/D21).
In other classes number bibs are available near Information at the Competition Center.

B-finalists use the same number bib as on Saturday.

Control descriptions

Separate control descriptions are available at the starting corridor. Maximum size of the control description is 125 mm x 60 mm. There are no control description holders available. Control descriptions are also printed on the map.


The use of GPS trackers provided by the organisers during the performance is mandatory for competitors assigned by the organiser. GPS devices will be used by all competitors in the H21 and D21 finals on Sunday. GPS devices and vests for GPS devices are distributed in the quarantine area.

Personal GPS data loggers will only be permitted if they have no display or audible feedback. Recorded route data can be uploaded to the internet only after the finish has closed at 16:00.

WebTV broadcast

The final on Sunday is broadcasted on WebTV. It is strictly forbidden to watch the broadcast before the race performance (rule 2.62). Due to limited telecommunication connections, other people in the area are also advised to refrain from watching the broadcast at the venue.

Punching system

The Emit punching system is used. Check that your Emit card number corresponds to the one on the start list. Also make sure that your Emit card works at the test control at the competition centre. An incorrect Emit number or a non-working Emit card must be changed at the information desk. It is the competitor's own responsibility to verify the card's operability and correct number. If a contestant uses an Emit card other than the one notified to the organisers, the performance will be disqualified (Sport regulations, section 11.518).

Emit card number changes can be informed to until Friday 2nd 12 am. After that, card number changes have to be made at the info desk for a fee of 5 € / change. Note that all changes have to be made before moving to the start since no Emit number changes can be made in the start area.

Rental Emit cards are available from the event organiser at the Information, fee is 10 € per day. If the rental Emit card is not returned after the competition, 90 € will be charged.

According to the regulations, only the use of Emit cards in their original condition is allowed. Using a modified card or a card that has been tampered with will result in disqualification. Do not use a card in which the battery has been replaced!

2.9: Emit-card control slips are available in the starting area on both days.

Clothing and orienteering shoes

Spiked shoes are forbidden in the competition, but shoes with studs are permitted.

Classes, course lengths and start locations

Qualification on Saturday 2nd Start 1

2.4 km, Blue signage.

Class Length km Controls Competitors To A-final
H21K1 8,0 12 52 17
H21K2 7,9 11 52 17
H21K3 7,9 11 52 17
H20K 6,1 11 36 *
H18K1 5,0 7 33 25
H18K2 5,0 8 32 25
H16K 3,5 8 53 *
H15K 2,8 7 34 *
D21K1 5,6 8 40 25
D21K2 5,7 8 39 25
D20K 4,9 9 38 *
D18K1 4,3 8 38 25
D18K2 4,3 8 37 25
D16K 2,8 6 46 *
D15K 2,4 6 38 *

* All who have successfully completed the qualification

Qualification on Saturday 2nd Start 2

2.4 km, Yellow signage.

Class Length km Controls Competitors To A-final
H35K 6,2 12 24 *
H40K 5,9 12 45 *
H45K 5,4 11 59 *
H50K1 4,3 8 32 25
H50K2 4,3 9 31 25
H55K1 4,3 10 45 25
H55K2 4,3 10 44 25
H60K1 4,2 6 32 25
H60K2 4,2 7 32 25
H65K1 4,1 9 31 25
H65K2 4,2 9 31 25
H70K1 3,3 8 34 25
H70K2 3,3 7 33 25
H75K 3,2 6 49 *

* All who have successfully completed the qualification

Final on Saturday 3rd Start 1

2.4 km, Blue signage.

Class Lenght km Controls Climp m Refreshments
H21 13,4 15 580 4
H20 9,4 10 3
H18 8,2 13 2
H16 6,4 11 1
H15 5,5 7 1
H35 8,9 11 2
H40 8,6 11 2
H45 8,4 10 2
H50 6,6 14 1
H55 6,4 13 1
H60 6,2 13 1
H65 5,9 12 1
H70 4,8 8 1
H75 4,2 8 1
D21 9,1 9 460 3
D20 6,9 14 1
D18 6,1 14 1
D16 5,5 10 1
D15 4,5 8 1
D35 6,0 12 1
D40 5,9 12 1
D45 5,6 11 1
D50 5,5 10 1
D55 5,0 10 1
D60 4,7 8 1
H21B1 11,7 15 4
H21B2 10,6 12 3
H18B 5,7 10 1
H50B 4,8 8 1
H55B 4,8 8 1
H60B 4,5 8 1
H65B 4,5 8 1
H70B 3,9 8 1
D21B 8,0 8 1
D18B 5,7 10 1

Final on Sunday 3rd Start 2

2.4 km, Yellow signage.

Class Length km Controls
H80 3,2 7
H85 2,5 6
H90 2,0 6
D65 4,2 10
D70 3,8 8
D75 3,2 7
D80 2,5 6
D85 2,0 6
D90 2,0 6

Competitors qualified for the A-finals will start in the reverse order so that the winners of the qualification will start last. Competitors not qualified for the A-finals will start in the B-finals so that the best competitors not qualified will start last. Competitors not qualified for the M21 A-final will be divided into two B-final start groups with equal number of starters in each group. The fastest in the qualifying event will be grouped into the first B-final start. Competitors disqualified, not finishing or not starting in the qualification will start at the beginning of the second start group.

For the classes where no B-final is organised, the competitors disqualified, not finishing or not starting in the qualification event are given the possibility to participate in the open orienteering on Sunday. These competitors will receive a pass for the open orienteering from the info desk.

H/D21 quarantine and the arrangements for the start

arrangements for the start

Refreshment and first aid points

There are points for refreshment and first aid in the terrain. Refreshment points and controls are marked on the map or in the control descriptions. Refreshment (only water) is provided for the final on Sunday in the classes H15-H75 and D15-D60. First aid points in the terrain are marked on the map and there is also a first aid post in the competition centre.

At the refreshment points there are also litter bins for the mugs, gel packages, and other litter. Respect nature and please do not litter!


At finish there is a control point where you need to stamp. Potential unclarities are handled in the wailing wall during the emit check-out. On Saturday, all maps are collected after the finish in plastic bags which are named by orienteering clubs. On Sunday, the maps are collected until 13:00. The finish closes at 16:00 on both days.

The protests must be handed in to the jury in writing according to the IOF rules no later than 30/60 minutes after the technical closure of the competition.

Not finishing

Competitors not finishing the course must present themselves at the finish.

Map retrieval

On Sunday, one representative of each orienteering club can retrieve competition maps from the finish starting at 13:00.

Dressing, shower and toilets

There are toilets in the competition centre, at the parking area and in the starts. There are no indoor facilities for changing clothes. Outdoor showers with warm water are available.


Prizes are awarded to the top three in all Finnish Championship classes. The positions 4-10 in classes H/D 15-21 and 4-6 in classes H/D 35-75 are rewarded with a plaque. In addition, honorary awards are awarded for the top three in each class. All prices are awarded after the conclusion of each class.

Photography and filming during the competition

Photographers and imaging equipment will record the atmosphere of the competition at the competition centre and in the terrain. By arriving at the competition area you accept that you may be photographed and that images may be used in social media and other non-commercial purposes.

Open orienteering

On Saturday you can buy training maps (Viereväkivi and Tammasuo) at the info desk. Price is 8 €/pcs.

On Sunday, an open orienteering is organised, and it is possible to start between 12:00 and 13:00. The start is located 2.4 km from the competition centre and is at start 2, Yellow signage. The fee is 10 €.

Course Distance km Controls Scale
KuntoA 5,4 10 1:10000
KuntoB 3,2 8 1:7500

The ticket for the open orienteering is purchased in info desk. The map is given in the start. The results are registered in Navisport-system.


Babysitting is available in the competition centre both days. Registration in advance until August 31st via e-mail to anneli.pennanen71@gmail.com.

Information needed:

  • Name and age of the child
  • When the child is brought and collected

Lunch and café

The competition centre offers lunch and café services both days. Food tickets 12 € / portion can be purchased in advance at the info desk (cash / card). Please note that lunch cannot be paid directly where the lunch is served. Lunch is available both days from 11:00 to approximately 16:00. The food is lactose free. Gluten free and vegan need to be ordered separately.

There is coffee and snacks in the cafeteria. Payment with cash, credit card or Mobilepay.

The grill is hot. You can pay in cash or with MobilePay at the grill. You can pay by card at the cafe, where you get a ticket for the grill.

Lost and found

During the competition, lost property is stored at the information desk. Information on found property will be available on the competition's website after the event. The lost property is stored for two weeks.

Welcome to the majestic wilderness of the Koli area!

Kalevan Rasti ry